Interesting Movie

Last night me and Billy had a movie night at the house. It’s a tradition when the kids go to sleep that we spend time with each other either playing board games, talking, Bible Study, or even Movie Nights. We decided on Escape Plan!! Such a great movie, it really had my mind going. Scary thought that their are people who could possibly be that smart savvy to figure out how to break out of every prison built by man. It was definitely interesting and I do recommend it for a date night for couples! Not recommended for kids though! Hope everyone is having a great day. Here is the trailer below!

Love at First Sight

It’s hard to believe it has been eleven years already.  Me and my husband, Billy, got married June 2nd of 2007; Personally it feels like it has been less time than that but nope it has literally been eleven years.  Can’t believe during that time we have become parents of five amazing kids which have stolen our hearts and minds lol. During those years we have gone on many adventures, we have been through a lot personally and I feel like life has just been absolutely amazing.

God knew exactly what He was doing when he placed Billy into my life.  It’s a funny story how we met, one of my favorite ones to talk about.  It all started when I was sixteen, looking for a job to be exact.  I had an interview at Hollywood video across from the mall known as North Park there in Jackson, Mississippi.  When I went in for the interview they needed to reschedule due to the Manager being called away.  At that time I was bummed but what happened next was no coincidence.  Me and my family decided to go to the mall, it was kind of a tradition for me and my siblings to wander the mall on Saturdays.  Well I went into the bookstore called B. Dalton, a smaller version of Barnes and Noble basically.  They weren’t hiring but I decided to humor myself and apply, so I did.  After that I went home and didn’t think anything of it.  The next day I get a phone call asking me to come in Monday with all my credentials for an interview.  When I got that phone call I was stunned, I went in to check it out and was hired on the spot.  A week goes by, Billy was out of the store due to personal leave, he came back and that is when I met my husband for the first time.  It was so weird because I knew there was something about him, I fell for him almost immediately.   Love is such a funny thing and honestly this is only the beginning of how our relationship began.  For the next few weeks I will be blogging about how our relationship bloomed and how love is such a precious gift.

Love is a Funny Thing

Love is a funny thing, it makes you do insane things. Thinking straight is out of the question, logic becomes cloudy, and you lose yourself in all the bliss it brings.  It is something that can’t be tossed aside so easily.  Love takes effort, understanding, patience, endurance, and humbleness to work.

When I met my husband for the first time I knew something was special about him.  it is so fun when you begin dating, exploring the differences and similarities, along with getting to know the person you really like.  Falling in Love is a process one that takes time.

My husband jokes a lot that I am his distraction.  As I stated before love can make you do crazy things.  Love can make you blind lol, you see life in a whole new way than the reality.  Love is such a beautiful emotion, act among two people. Once you find it, hold onto it because it is such a precious gift once found.  Love hard, laugh always, and make  endless memories.


Growing Together


There are going to be times where you think you know a woman and times where it seems like you are back at square one.  Women can be very complex and should be treated as such.  There are many factors that can contribute to a woman’s mood that day.  Everyone has their bad days and their good days but we all express how we feel differently.  As a male you have your outlets and so do women.
Women have a need for comfort and a need for love.  It is what drives us, it gives us security when we have both, especially when it comes from our special man in our lives.  There are many different love languages that can be attributed to helping you and the woman you care about connect.  You have to be able to get to know your lover, spouse, or partner.
There are five love languages that can help you and your spouse grow in your relationship. Even if you aren’t in a relationship yet some of these languages can still apply.  There is the love language of touch.  Physical touch is very important.  Most men and women have a sexual relationship, which is a good foundation to establish.  This is an important aspect of a relationship that should be maintained.  It is important that communication is just as strong as your physical relationship. Both of you need to communicate each others needs to one another.  A woman is more interested in the bond and the connection she has with you, not just the physical contact.  That is crucial and really helps build her trust in you.
There is also the love language of giving gifts.  Can’t deny every woman loves receiving gifts from their sweetheart.  It comes with the territory when in a relationship.  It also helps keep the spontaneity in the relationship.  Surprising her once in a while will give her a boost of confidence and self-worth.  This is an act of love that you could show when she is having a bad day.  Knowing your partner is important in all of the love languages, applying all of them can help you build upon and create a good foundation for your relationship.  Figuring out which love language is hers is really important.  It is also good if she connects with yours as well.  That will help you both learn each other and will help you two grow together.
Spending quality time together is a big love language.  It is one that I would apply to any relationship.  You want to grow together and not apart.  In your relationship it is important that you learn to apply some of your partner’s hobbies into your life as she does some of yours.  Share time together even if it is to take a walk in the park or a boat ride on the lake.  Finding time for each other helps you build and connect in the relationship.  You will learn new and amazing things about your partner as you try new things her.
There is the acts of service.  This is where you offer to do something for your spouse like cleaning the kitchen or cooking dinner.  Offering her to rest while you take over shows her in action of how you feel of her well-being.  That gives her a warm-safe feeling that makes her feel secure.  She knows you care for her and that you are there for her.  This one is also important even if it isn’t your love language or hers it still helps you build in the relationship and teaches you both to work together.
The last one is words of affirmation.  This is where you use words like “I love you”, “you are so beautiful”, and “You are amazing.” Words like that are encouraging or uplifting and gives her a confidence boost and makes her feel good about herself and the relationship.  It is important to a woman to know what her partner is feeling.  It is really hard when men don’t express themselves or talk about how they feel to us women.  Communication is crucial to a relationship.  It can’t survive without both partners communicating between each other.
In conclusion all of these love languages should be applied to your relationship even if they aren’t your love language.  It is important to use them to help you both grow together.  This will help you two build and learn to listen to each other.  Every woman and man is different.  You want to make sure you make the best of the relationship.  Applying these to your relationship helps you grow and learn new things about your partner you didn’t know before.  Give them a try and see for yourself.