
As a parent we sometimes feel just a little bit uncertain on how to approach certain situations regarding how your kids are going to react to it. That is perfectly spot on for most of us, to be honest for me I really try to do my best at preparing my kiddos but usually fail miserably. This is because I overthink the situation or I overstep. Allowing our kids to grow and learn is important. Hovering over them and constantly dictating how they should react or just act in a situation can be more harmful than helpful. I say this because I am definitely learning this with my ten year old, he is so ambitious, and very particular about many things. I have had to really take a step back and talk more with him about situations so he can make the better choice instead of me making it for him. For instance, like when he upset with his brother, how should he handle it… should he fight back by hitting or coming and talking to mommy and daddy about it so we can help him? This topic has just been really heavy on my heart because I see so many parents trying to overwhelm their children and themselves because they are holding on and fighting for so much control. Just like tug o war you fight for to much control they are going to resist and fight back. Go with the flow, allow your kids to experience, live, have fun…with boundaries of course, just understand you have to be able to let them be kids.

Understanding Autism

Being a parent can be very difficult especially if you add autism to the mix. For me that is a challenge, one I am not too fond of. Today I find out if my third son is on the spectrum, which in a Way makes me nervous. If he is diagnosed that will make it three for three. I have five kids, three boys and two girls. None of my boys have escaped the burden of autism so far and the first screening we had with our last was not good at all.

It is so discouraging at times to watch my sons struggle everyday. My nine year old struggles the most and it just breaks my heart. Knowing that he gets bullied at school doesn’t help at all either. It is definitely a hard transition for my babies when it comes to interacting with their peers, strangers, or other social experiences. It’s sad to watch them get overwhelmed when I take them out into the store knowing many are probably viewing him as a bad kid and not one that needs comfort and understanding.

My goal here is to help bring awareness for Autism. So many don’t understand it!!! I hate when people say ‘they don’t look autistic’, well no duh, Autism is so much more involved. Every child, adult, person is different on the spectrum. First ask questions, do research but don’t judge. Until you know the struggle and heartache just pray and be more understanding. Also feel free to check out my website, The Family Way

Can’t Believe it is Almost Fall

Fall is literally around the corner. Yikes! It seems like just yesterday we were just abandoning winter for Spring and summer. Time is truly flying like it normally does. Kids are back in school, normalcy is starting to arrive once again. Too funny on my part though, I am absolutely not used to the quiet that is going on in my house. Usually I have five and now only two at home because the rest are back in school. It is funny, there are days where I even feel out of place because I am so used to the madness.

Looks like I am going to be getting back into my freelancing and novel writing again. During the summer it seems like my groove just gets thrown off. So looking forward to the holiday season too. This is literally my favorite time of the year. The decorations, emotions, and all together awesomeness of Fall is absolutely epic in my book!

Here are some pics to brighten your day!


You know as a parent privacy is hard to come by.  It is so true.  To be honest in my opinion I feel like when I make a phone call that is the time you will see my children show their true crazy nature.  It brings the maniac out of my kids!  Getting on the phone especially if it is an important phone call my kids go bananas.  It’s “Mommy I need this.”  “Mommy I want to talk.”  and so on.  Then I will have some of them even try to climb me as I am on the phone.  Yep my kids are definitely the attention speaking type.

Getting on another point I have noticed that the same behavior comes out when we have visitors.  They can’t just sit quietly or play calmly, nope, that would be too easy.  It’s like they have this initial embedded beacon that goes off when mommy is doing something or visiting with someone.  It is quite humorous in a way.

Parenthood is definitely funny, there are days that I feel like I am in a comedy show.  Kids do funny things especially when they have an audience.  There are times I wish that I could catch some of the stuff they do on camera, I would be famous.  Just kidding.  But it is true, kids are funny.  When I get overwhelmed I just have to think of the funny crazy moments and remember they are just being kids.  As an adult I feel like I have forgotten the true nature of being a kid.  When I sit down and spend time with my kiddos I get a taste of how I felt in my childhood and it helps me relate to them better.  So spend time with your kids.  Laugh together.  Make unforgettable memories.  Live life to the fullest.

Pictures Worth a 1000 Words

Motherhood in a snapshot!

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Love is a Funny Thing

Love is a funny thing, it makes you do insane things. Thinking straight is out of the question, logic becomes cloudy, and you lose yourself in all the bliss it brings.  It is something that can’t be tossed aside so easily.  Love takes effort, understanding, patience, endurance, and humbleness to work.

When I met my husband for the first time I knew something was special about him.  it is so fun when you begin dating, exploring the differences and similarities, along with getting to know the person you really like.  Falling in Love is a process one that takes time.

My husband jokes a lot that I am his distraction.  As I stated before love can make you do crazy things.  Love can make you blind lol, you see life in a whole new way than the reality.  Love is such a beautiful emotion, act among two people. Once you find it, hold onto it because it is such a precious gift once found.  Love hard, laugh always, and make  endless memories.


Building a Foundation

Building a foundation in a relationship can be a process, one that needs to be taken with care and patience. Love prevails always especially when two people are devoted to each other unconditionally. I have been married for nine years and through those years I have had many ups and a lot of downs but every moment was and is worth it. Divorce has become rampant among our generation and it is heartbreaking to see, too many young people are not experiencing the true joy of love and marriage like they should because of Divorce.

Marriage should never be just an experience or a new fad to try out. It is a gift between two individuals that want to face the good and the bad together. When I met my husband I did not realize he was the one…no… but I knew he was special and boy God threw me a curve ball when he placed Billy, my husband in my life. Billy gave me unconditional love, he was, is, and will always be my soul-mate. No person is perfect and there will always be flaws in every relationship even if you are not married. You should never set unattainable goals that you two can not meet, try to balance out each others differences and work together as a unit to solve solutions that arise.

Love is a choice. You hear that many say ‘oh well I fell out of love with that person…blah blah blah’. Well that is not how it works, love is taken for granted most of the time and forgotten. There are days I struggle but no matter how bad it gets it still doesn’t warrant me to escape the bond me and my husband share. My marriage is tested daily but everyday me and my husband grow stronger together through the good and the bad. We lean on each other and build each other up to fight our battles together.

One ingredient that makes a marriage successful is usually thrown to the side though and that is GOD. If you do not have God in your marriage then you are in for a rough road but not an impossible one. It is important to build a strong foundation and a good way to do that is through prayer and Christ. God will give you the strength to overcome the hurdles you both will face in your relationship during your marriage. Even if you aren’t married and just engaged or together having God in your relationship will help you two grow closer and stronger together. Always remember never just throw in the towel, try to fight through the rough times, build on each other, and embrace life to the fullest.

Growing Together

There are going to be times where you think you know a woman and times where it seems like you are back at square one. Women can be very complex and should be treated as such. There are many factors that can contribute to a woman’s mood that day. Everyone has their bad days and their good days but we all express how we feel differently. As a male you have your outlets and so do women.
Women have a need for comfort and a need for love. It is what drives us, it gives us security when we have both, especially when it comes from our special man in our lives. There are many different love languages that can be attributed to helping you and the woman you care about connect. You have to be able to get to know your lover, spouse, or partner.
There are five love languages that can help you and your spouse grow in your relationship. Even if you aren’t in a relationship yet some of these languages can still apply. There is the love language of touch. Physical touch is very important. Most men and women have a sexual relationship, which is a good foundation to establish. This is an important aspect of a relationship that should be maintained. It is important that communication is just as strong as your physical relationship. Both of you need to communicate each others needs to one another. A woman is more interested in the bond and the connection she has with you, not just the physical contact. That is crucial and really helps build her trust in you.
There is also the love language of giving gifts. Can’t deny every woman loves receiving gifts from their sweetheart. It comes with the territory when in a relationship. It also helps keep the spontaneity in the relationship. Surprising her once in a while will give her a boost of confidence and self-worth. This is an act of love that you could show when she is having a bad day. Knowing your partner is important in all of the love languages, applying all of them can help you build upon and create a good foundation for your relationship. Figuring out which love language is hers is really important. It is also good if she connects with yours as well. That will help you both learn each other and will help you two grow together.
Spending quality time together is a big love language. It is one that I would apply to any relationship. You want to grow together and not apart. In your relationship it is important that you learn to apply some of your partner’s hobbies into your life as she does some of yours. Share time together even if it is to take a walk in the park or a boat ride on the lake. Finding time for each other helps you build and connect in the relationship. You will learn new and amazing things about your partner as you try new things her.
There is the acts of service. This is where you offer to do something for your spouse like cleaning the kitchen or cooking dinner. Offering her to rest while you take over shows her in action of how you feel of her well-being. That gives her a warm-safe feeling that makes her feel secure. She knows you care for her and that you are there for her. This one is also important even if it isn’t your love language or hers it still helps you build in the relationship and teaches you both to work together.
The last one is words of affirmation. This is where you use words like “I love you”, “you are so beautiful”, and “You are amazing.” Words like that are encouraging or uplifting and gives her a confidence boost and makes her feel good about herself and the relationship. It is important to a woman to know what her partner is feeling. It is really hard when men don’t express themselves or talk about how they feel to us women. Communication is crucial to a relationship. It can’t survive without both partners communicating between each other.
In conclusion all of these love languages should be applied to your relationship even if they aren’t your love language. It is important to use them to help you both grow together. This will help you two build and learn to listen to each other. Every woman and man is different. You want to make sure you make the best of the relationship. Applying these to your relationship helps you grow and learn new things about your partner you didn’t know before. Give them a try and see for yourself.

Growing Together



There are going to be times where you think you know a woman and times where it seems like you are back at square one.  Women can be very complex and should be treated as such.  There are many factors that can contribute to a woman’s mood that day.  Everyone has their bad days and their good days but we all express how we feel differently.  As a male you have your outlets and so do women.
Women have a need for comfort and a need for love.  It is what drives us, it gives us security when we have both, especially when it comes from our special man in our lives.  There are many different love languages that can be attributed to helping you and the woman you care about connect.  You have to be able to get to know your lover, spouse, or partner.
There are five love languages that can help you and your spouse grow in your relationship. Even if you aren’t in a relationship yet some of these languages can still apply.  There is the love language of touch.  Physical touch is very important.  Most men and women have a sexual relationship, which is a good foundation to establish.  This is an important aspect of a relationship that should be maintained.  It is important that communication is just as strong as your physical relationship. Both of you need to communicate each others needs to one another.  A woman is more interested in the bond and the connection she has with you, not just the physical contact.  That is crucial and really helps build her trust in you.
There is also the love language of giving gifts.  Can’t deny every woman loves receiving gifts from their sweetheart.  It comes with the territory when in a relationship.  It also helps keep the spontaneity in the relationship.  Surprising her once in a while will give her a boost of confidence and self-worth.  This is an act of love that you could show when she is having a bad day.  Knowing your partner is important in all of the love languages, applying all of them can help you build upon and create a good foundation for your relationship.  Figuring out which love language is hers is really important.  It is also good if she connects with yours as well.  That will help you both learn each other and will help you two grow together.
Spending quality time together is a big love language.  It is one that I would apply to any relationship.  You want to grow together and not apart.  In your relationship it is important that you learn to apply some of your partner’s hobbies into your life as she does some of yours.  Share time together even if it is to take a walk in the park or a boat ride on the lake.  Finding time for each other helps you build and connect in the relationship.  You will learn new and amazing things about your partner as you try new things her.
There is the acts of service.  This is where you offer to do something for your spouse like cleaning the kitchen or cooking dinner.  Offering her to rest while you take over shows her in action of how you feel of her well-being.  That gives her a warm-safe feeling that makes her feel secure.  She knows you care for her and that you are there for her.  This one is also important even if it isn’t your love language or hers it still helps you build in the relationship and teaches you both to work together.
The last one is words of affirmation.  This is where you use words like “I love you”, “you are so beautiful”, and “You are amazing.” Words like that are encouraging or uplifting and gives her a confidence boost and makes her feel good about herself and the relationship.  It is important to a woman to know what her partner is feeling.  It is really hard when men don’t express themselves or talk about how they feel to us women.  Communication is crucial to a relationship.  It can’t survive without both partners communicating between each other.
In conclusion all of these love languages should be applied to your relationship even if they aren’t your love language.  It is important to use them to help you both grow together.  This will help you two build and learn to listen to each other.  Every woman and man is different.  You want to make sure you make the best of the relationship.  Applying these to your relationship helps you grow and learn new things about your partner you didn’t know before.  Give them a try and see for yourself.