Can’t Believe it is Almost Fall

Fall is literally around the corner. Yikes! It seems like just yesterday we were just abandoning winter for Spring and summer. Time is truly flying like it normally does. Kids are back in school, normalcy is starting to arrive once again. Too funny on my part though, I am absolutely not used to the quiet that is going on in my house. Usually I have five and now only two at home because the rest are back in school. It is funny, there are days where I even feel out of place because I am so used to the madness.

Looks like I am going to be getting back into my freelancing and novel writing again. During the summer it seems like my groove just gets thrown off. So looking forward to the holiday season too. This is literally my favorite time of the year. The decorations, emotions, and all together awesomeness of Fall is absolutely epic in my book!

Here are some pics to brighten your day!


You know as a parent privacy is hard to come by.  It is so true.  To be honest in my opinion I feel like when I make a phone call that is the time you will see my children show their true crazy nature.  It brings the maniac out of my kids!  Getting on the phone especially if it is an important phone call my kids go bananas.  It’s “Mommy I need this.”  “Mommy I want to talk.”  and so on.  Then I will have some of them even try to climb me as I am on the phone.  Yep my kids are definitely the attention speaking type.

Getting on another point I have noticed that the same behavior comes out when we have visitors.  They can’t just sit quietly or play calmly, nope, that would be too easy.  It’s like they have this initial embedded beacon that goes off when mommy is doing something or visiting with someone.  It is quite humorous in a way.

Parenthood is definitely funny, there are days that I feel like I am in a comedy show.  Kids do funny things especially when they have an audience.  There are times I wish that I could catch some of the stuff they do on camera, I would be famous.  Just kidding.  But it is true, kids are funny.  When I get overwhelmed I just have to think of the funny crazy moments and remember they are just being kids.  As an adult I feel like I have forgotten the true nature of being a kid.  When I sit down and spend time with my kiddos I get a taste of how I felt in my childhood and it helps me relate to them better.  So spend time with your kids.  Laugh together.  Make unforgettable memories.  Live life to the fullest.

A Little Funny for the Restless

Today I ran across one of the funniest life hacks hat had me on the floor laughing. The image it gave me of when I was a teenager was priceless! To be honest an image of teenagers today going through phone withdrawals is just overbearingly hilarious. The life hack quotes this:

“When punishing your kids, don’t take away their electronics.  Just take their charger and watch the fear in their eyes as they use it less and less while the battery slowly dies.”

It was just to pass up to now share!!! As a parent I have learned it is best to have an open mind and a great sense of humor!!!!

Blog post overdue!!!!

Sometimes life catches up with us and our busy lives get a little out of sorts.  For me it’s been a long summer!!! I am so glad we are approaching the lovely season of Fall.  It has always been my favorite time of the year!  

With school now in session and everyone finally getting back on a routine everything is finally starting to calm down a bit. 🙂 

I have recently discovered snapchat.  It has become one of my favorite things to play on when the kids want to take pictures.  

I will be starting up my blog posting again and plan to also post lots of pictures too!  Hope everyone has a Fabulous Day!

The Joys of Parenthood

It’s these moments that I enjoy the most.  Watching my kids grow has become the most rewarding experience and I am loving every minute.  Take these little moments and capture them.  MAKE MEMORIES while you still can.