Can’t Believe it is Almost Fall

Fall is literally around the corner. Yikes! It seems like just yesterday we were just abandoning winter for Spring and summer. Time is truly flying like it normally does. Kids are back in school, normalcy is starting to arrive once again. Too funny on my part though, I am absolutely not used to the quiet that is going on in my house. Usually I have five and now only two at home because the rest are back in school. It is funny, there are days where I even feel out of place because I am so used to the madness.

Looks like I am going to be getting back into my freelancing and novel writing again. During the summer it seems like my groove just gets thrown off. So looking forward to the holiday season too. This is literally my favorite time of the year. The decorations, emotions, and all together awesomeness of Fall is absolutely epic in my book!

Here are some pics to brighten your day!

A Little Funny for the Restless

Today I ran across one of the funniest life hacks hat had me on the floor laughing. The image it gave me of when I was a teenager was priceless! To be honest an image of teenagers today going through phone withdrawals is just overbearingly hilarious. The life hack quotes this:

“When punishing your kids, don’t take away their electronics.  Just take their charger and watch the fear in their eyes as they use it less and less while the battery slowly dies.”

It was just to pass up to now share!!! As a parent I have learned it is best to have an open mind and a great sense of humor!!!!

Goodbye Winter Hello Summer

The seasons have changed, the grass is greener, the sky is brighter, and the kids are out!  Yes, Summer has officially begun!!! Personally I can’t believe how much time has flown by this year.  It seems like it was only Yesterday that we were celebrating Christmas and now here it is almost Memorial Day.

Planning fun outside activities with the family, like picnics and park trips are great ways to connect with your family.  I have been trying to incorporate a lot of water play with the kids to keep them cool as they play outside in the heat.  Having chalk, bubbles, and crafts available for the kids help alleviate boredom and build on their creativity.  On another note though, boredom isn’t a bad hint to have.  When children are bored they are able to use their imagination which I feel is a great way to help your child build character and think outside the box.

Time Flies

It’s funny, it seems like time is definitely something we feel we have so much of and yet we don’t.  Time flies by so fast, just look at your kids.  They grow fast and sadly they just keep on growing.  Today I was reminded of how quickly  time passes and how many great adventures I miss out on with them because I get so busy in my adult life.  Sometimes just taking a step back brings out perspective that is needed in our (parents) daily lives.

Today I decided to put aside all the adult stuff (Busy work, housework, work in general- I think you get the point!) and went outside with my kids and played in the water with them.  Lots of laughter and memories were made because I made a choice to put them first.  I admit that can be a hard thing because we get so caught up on our daily responsibilities.  Being an adult can be very overwhelming and can come with a lot of stressors that children don’t have.  Sometimes just taking the time to play or spend time with your children can be the best medicine for stress relief.  After we played outside we decided to sit down and play Monopoly, which I used for educational purposes.  They loved it and it brought joy to me.  Sometimes as I said we just need to take a step back and enjoy the blessings in front of us that God has given us.

Parenting isn’t easy, there is always going to be the crazy days, the easy days, the I don’t know kind of days, but overall the only way to enjoy parenting is to realize there is no perfect way to parent.  Remember you are enough, don’t overthink parenting, embrace it and take it all in.  You miss all the fun and joyful moments when you don’t give parenting your all.