Can’t Believe it is Almost Fall

Fall is literally around the corner. Yikes! It seems like just yesterday we were just abandoning winter for Spring and summer. Time is truly flying like it normally does. Kids are back in school, normalcy is starting to arrive once again. Too funny on my part though, I am absolutely not used to the quiet that is going on in my house. Usually I have five and now only two at home because the rest are back in school. It is funny, there are days where I even feel out of place because I am so used to the madness.

Looks like I am going to be getting back into my freelancing and novel writing again. During the summer it seems like my groove just gets thrown off. So looking forward to the holiday season too. This is literally my favorite time of the year. The decorations, emotions, and all together awesomeness of Fall is absolutely epic in my book!

Here are some pics to brighten your day!

Publishing a Book

Today I am really working hard to publish one of my ebooks that I have been working on. I’ve got a lot to do but I am feeling confident that I will finish by the end of the day. Publishing a book is not as simple as I thought. To be honest I love writing, hate editing, and well yeah I am sure you get it. Billy, my husband, thinks it’s funny because it has taken me this long to even get a book out.

Right now I am just spending time with the kids while an AT&T technician works on our internet. It has not been user friendly at all for over a month which has also caused me a lot of time as well. Hoping it will be back up soon!

To be honest it has been nice to take a break from the digital world. I can’t say my kids agree but it definitely has encouraged them to be more adventurous! It has forced them to use their imagination and has pushed me to get tons done around the house. There is a lesson to come from this too! It is so easy to get caught up with our digital devices that we forget what’s truly important in life. Hope everyone is having an amazing Wednesday! Feel free to comment below as well 🙂

Affiliate Marketing

When I started blogging I never really thought about affiliate marketing or anything of that nature in general.  But recently I decided what the heck its worth a shot.  Well now that I have been looking into it I seem to have figured out how hectic it can be to really start blogging full-time and the stress that it brings when you don’t really know what you are doing.  That is why I have now turned to YouTube and Pintrest.  Both sites have been amazing at explaining the ins and outs of affiliate marketing and so much more.

Never did I think I would be trying to blog full-time anyway.  I kind of started it as a hobby years back and really didn’t take it serious until recently.  Ever since I got back into writing I have become more involved with my Pintrest account.  It has been a blast going through Pintrest anyway.  It truly is addicting and there is everything and anything you could possibly imagine on that site.  I don’t see how you could run out of ideas when searching that site.  If you are interested in getting started on a blog and need help with affiliate marketing feel free to contact me, check out my pintrest board, or check out my website also.


These last few weeks have been a challenge for me and as a result my blogging got put on the back burner for a bit.  Life surely has its twists and turns, most you don’t even expect or see until you are faced with the dilemma.  

I have learned though with all the stress, pain, and endurance we feel there will always beat sense of self worth and achievement that follows.  I recently had to learn the hard way that stressing is not the answer to any problem, all it did was make me very sick.

As change enters my family again I try to remind myself that no matter how difficult or stressful a situation may seem there is always a way to make the transition more enjoyable. 

Ways to Cope with Stress…

  1. Take a Break: walk away from the problem or project.  Give yourself a break to re-evaluate your game plan.
  2. Eat and Drink lots of Water!  Make sure you are taking care of YOU!  That always helps when faced with a stressful dilemma.
  3. Take a Warm Bath or Shower 😌
  4. Take notes or jot down what your goals are!  This is a great way to see where your head is at.
  5. Prayer is a top priority when stress is involved, there is Ning too great for God!

I hope these coping mechanisms help you all that do deal with stress on a day to day basis.


Today I have been working on my other site which is somewhat connected to this blog as well.  The website is called ‘Embracing the Impossible‘.  The rain we are having here in Kansas has been such a help with getting me motivated to write again.  It has been such a productive day today too.

Blogging is such a great way to be open and express yourself.  I have been really enjoying it because it gives me a sense of control and freedom to be me.  Life is all about building blocks in my opinion and with my blogging it seems to be the same.  I build on my writing by expressing myself and sharing information that could be helpful to others.  All bloggers are different and have their own writing styles as well.  As a mom my writing style is more free spirited and open when expressing something.

If you ever decide to blog it is really easy to get started too!  All you have to do is create a site from either Word Press or Weebly.  I use both sites and they are great!  They are easy to join and all you have to do is sign up, then pick a style, and begin blogging. 🙂

me and shirley

Productivity at It’s Finest

This week has been a very productive one, the only thing I found unproductive was the doctor’s visit yesterday.  They didn’t seem to be as helpful and only left me with more problems to worry about.  I will say Vacation Bible School was a success though.

Today I have been kind of going with the flow and you know it really is funny how much more relaxed I am than when I am worrying about every little detail of my typical day.  I guess the lesson I learned from this is don’t sweat the stuff you can’t control just go at your own pace.  🙂  Can’t believe it is already July 1st!!! Yikes, time is just a flying this year!  Soon school will be starting and then Christmas!

I am brainstorming as well on another book I am wanting to write.  I really enjoy dystopian fiction novels and science fiction.  🙂  Well I hope you all have had a great day and enjoy your family during this wonderful Holiday weekend! shutter3

Communication is Key 

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

Parenthood is never easy, there’s always going to be hills to climb and obstacles to avoid.  Communication seems to be my biggest issue when it comes to parenting. For example as the parent of four the thought of communication goes right out the window either due to kids yelling, throwing fits, and mommy pulling her hair out lol!!!

I am far from perfect.  Today I realized that we all have major faults as parents we just don’t see it until others point the flaws out.  We become blind-sided by our comfort.  When we become comfortable with a habit, it becomes hard to break.

Here are some tips that have been working for me over the last few months.  Taking deep breaths and remembering to take in the memories and don’t sweat the little stuff has become important…..hard lol…..but important!  Speaking from experience here: Always embrace the moment because time doesn’t slow down.